Ms. Carolle Varughese

Independent researcher
Sustainable Space Initative (SSI)

Carolle is a space sustainability researcher from Aotearoa New Zealand with a background in astronomy, education, and public policy. She was a research analyst and writer for New Zealand's Office of the Prime Minister's Chief Science Advisor, developing evidence-based reports and policy recommendations for AI in healthcare and food waste. She is now working to translate her experience to develop policy recommendations for protecting the night sky and ensuring equitable access to space.

Her dedication to the night sky started over 13 years ago and in that time she has hunted for exoplanets as a research observer, served as a council member for the Auckland Astronomical Society, and led the Education Group for the Royal Astronomical Society of NZ. Carolle now advocates for space through the University of Auckland's Sustainable Space Initative, focusing on New Zealand's aerospace sector. She believes that a transdisciplinary system-based approach would foster long-term peaceful access to space. Carolle is curious about sustainability monitoring metrics, regulation and policy, and system-level dynamics of the sector.