Ms. Alisa Starkey

Founder, Ozius

Alisa Starkey is the founder of Ozius, an Earth Observation Analytics company based in Brisbane, Australia.

With a background in Marine Ecology, Alisa learned the benefits of utilising Earth Observation data when completing her Honours degree at the University of Wollongong.  Over the next 19 years Alisa has dedicated her career to fusing artificial intelligence, earth observation data and environmental science to solve complex environmental questions for governments and business.

Alisa founded Ozius in 2014 with the goal to make advanced Earth Observation analytics more accessible to end users.  Ozius has since analysed millions of square kilometres of the earth’s landscape on four continents and delivered new business intelligence to some of the world’s largest enterprises.

Alisa has authored and contributed to numerous publications relating to Earth Observation science to assess environmental impacts of natural and made-made change including monitoring soil erosion and vegetation trend analysis.  More recently Alisa and Ozius have been collaborating with aquatic ecologists from New South Wales and Queensland Governments to integrate Earth Observation intelligence into numerous catchment scale water resource projects.