Nagoya Vision
Revision of Nagoya Vision
November 29, 2024
Following adoption of the 10-year Nagoya Vision in 2019, the Asia Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF) continues to contribute to the sustainable, social and economic development of the Asia-Pacific region. It also encourages and welcomes new participants. In light of the rapid growth of the space sector in the region and globally, it was confirmed at APRSAF-29, held in Jakarta, Indonesia in September 2023, the Nagoya Vision would be updated at APRSAF-30, in Perth, Australia in November 2024.
Over the next 5 years, APRSAF will continue to provide a platform for governments, space agencies, international organizations, academia, and industry to share knowledge, create regional partnerships and consider joint space activities that benefit the region through the following activities:
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Promoting space-enabled solutions for environmental and social issues and the development of sustainable space activities in the Asia-Pacific region
APRSAF will continue to address shared issues in our region including, natural disasters, climate change, and sustainable development. APRSAF will support efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, including by promoting the use of space technologies such as earth observation, positioning, communications and satellite data in an integrated manner. APRSAF will also contribute to the long-term sustainability of space activities as a fundamental goal, and continue to address the challenge of ensuring the safe and sustainable use of outer space.
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Enhancing human resources and space science-technology capabilities in the Asia-Pacific region
APRSAF will contribute to enhancing regional space human resources and building space science-technology capabilities, including in space engineering, science and research, business, law and policy, and space environment utilization. In addition, APRSAF will support various space-related educational activities, including space environment utilization, in cooperation with regional space agencies, educational institutions, and the private sector, to contribute to the development of the leaders of the next space generation.
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Promoting the growth of the private space sector in the Asia-Pacific region
APRSAF will continue to provide a regional platform for the private space sector to engage with governments, space agencies, academia, and international organizations to explore opportunities to co-create sustainable and responsible space activities. By doing so, we aim to stimulate the region’s private space sector and contribute to promoting space economic activities.
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Providing opportunities to engage and exchange in new areas of exploration and technology
APRSAF will share knowledge and new and emerging trends in the fields of international space exploration, space science and in state-of-the-art technologies such as AI and quantum, which are likely to be of common interest in the region in the future.