APRSAF-30 Menu



November 26-29, 2024

Perth, Australia Australia

Joint Statement

30th Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum
Joint Statement

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We, the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF), are delighted to commemorate the 30th Annual Meeting (APRSAF-30) in Perth, Australia. The theme is “Collaborating to Build a Sustainable and Responsible Regional Space Sector”. APRSAF provides an open forum for governments, space agencies, and space industry representatives to exchange views and ideas on space issues.

Over its 30-year history, APRSAF has evolved from being a platform to enable regional space agency dialogues to a strategic, comprehensive annual forum that brings together global stakeholders from across the space sector including governments, industry and research representatives. This evolution is reflected in the refreshed Nagoya Vision. It underscores APRSAF’s commitment to regional cooperation including the sustainable use of space, and the application of space technology to contribute to the resolution of pressing social challenges and to foster economic development in the Asia-Pacific region.

In this 30th year, APRSAF has made significant progress in discussing sustainable and responsible space practices, advancing regional initiatives, delivering technical working group activities, workshops, and plenary sessions, while engaging in lively discussions on new activities and further opportunities to collaborate. APRSAF-30 members also welcomed representatives from the Pacific to the APRSAF community to open dialogues and exchange knowledge. Through mutual understanding, we look forward to contributing our space expertise and capabilities to build a more interconnected and resilient region.

i. Promoting solutions for a broad range of social issues on the ground

APRSAF recognizes the importance of activities aimed at solving common regional issues related to disasters, climate and environmental change, as well as contributing to solving global issues such as the SDGs, through the integrated use of earth observation and positioning satellites, and ground observation data.

Importantly, APRSAF-30 provided an opportunity for a focused exchange of information and ideas on the use of satellite applications for the benefit of the entire Asia Pacific region, especially countries that don’t have own space agencies, like the smaller Pacific Island countries.

APRSAF also recognizes that Sentinel Asia promoted its Step 3 pre-disaster activities, particularly focusing on capacity building to contribute to comprehensive disaster risk reduction. APRSAF welcomes the sharing of best practices, such as regular use of post-disaster situation monitoring and disaster mitigation in the Sentinel Asia, the results of the SAFE Agro-meteorological project in rice crop reporting in ASEAN, and the implementation of training for the operational use of the tools developed under the SAFE Rice Monitoring project.

APRSAF also welcomes the collaboration of industry, government, and academia in the SAFE CH4Rice project (Assessment of methane emission from rice paddies and water management) to deploy in-situ data measurement network through IoT devices and field surveys in each country, and to start discussions with stakeholders to promote usage of space technology in the guideline and framework for carbon credit trading.

APRSAF expects further cooperation with space agencies, user organizations, international organizations, and development aid organizations, as well as continued strengthening of activities to share and disseminate results and knowledge, and co-creation activities with the private sector to promote social implementation of Earth observation and positioning satellites and other technologies.

ii. Enhancing human resources development, capacity building and science-technology capability and

iii. Advancing capabilities in policy implementation on common issues in the region

In order to support sustainable space activities in the Asia-Pacific region, it is expected that human resources development in a wide range of fields applicable to space activity and improvements in scientific and technological capabilities will be needed.

As a contribution to human resource development and the SDGs, APRSAF Kibo-ABC Initiative continues to deliver Kibo utilization activities such as the Kibo Robot Programming Challenge, Asian Try Zero-G, and Asian Herb in Space, in collaboration with space agencies and organizations in the Asia-Pacific region. The 2023 – 2024 Kibo Robot Programming Challenge and Asian Try Zero-G attracted a record number of student participants including early career researchers and engineers, supporting human resources development efforts and advancing science and technology capability in our region. The Kibo Robot Programming Challenge, implemented under the Japan-US Cooperation Framework JP-US OP3, welcomed PhilSA as a new member. The continuous participation of UNOOSA and NASA allowed the participation of students from 35 countries and a region. APRSAF Kibo-ABC agrees to proceed with consideration of new plant experiments with regolith simulant in support of space exploration. Some participants, such as the Australian One Giant Leap, presented a new project proposal for plant growth substrates experiment, encouraging grass-roots local program creation through Kibo. Additionally, new space utilization opportunities in Kibo-RPC and Asian Try Zero-G were announced, which further sustain and expand international cooperation.

The KiboCUBE and J-CUBE programs, which provide educational and research institutions from developing countries with the opportunity to develop a CubeSat and have it deployed from Kibo using J-SSOD, provide another avenue for human resources development and the advancement of science and technology through space sector collaboration between industry, government, and academia.

APRSAF also welcomes the ongoing utilization of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) infrastructure, such as the Kibo module, by various countries. The analysis of mouse tissue samples reared in space by Thai researchers is an example among other such exciting works. The knowledge and technologies developed through Kibo utilization will be carried forward and transitioned to space environment utilization in the post ISS phase. APRSAF supports academic and commercial utilization of the LEO environment.

Furthermore, APRSAF provided a forum for information exchange on international space exploration initiatives. The third roundtable discussion amongst the participants of the Space Frontier Working Group was held. This year, the host country, Australia, joined as a co-chair to strengthen the promotion of exploration activities in the Asia-Pacific region. In addition, by welcoming speakers from international groups such as ISECG, the global trends in space exploration were shared with APRSAF attendees.

APRSAF held the “Poster Contest,” “Online Stargazing Party broadcasted from Observatories around the world,” and “Onsite Stargazing Party at Perth Observatory” for people in the Asia-Pacific region. These were highly appreciated, attracting many participants, broadening the participants to all ages, and stimulating interest in space. APRSAF also welcomes that discussions and preparations have begun to launch the “CanSat Competition” as a space engineering educational program aiming to implement it in 2025. At the annual SE4AWG meeting, students were also given the opportunity to have their presentations through the “Activities for Youth Empowerment Session”, empowering the next generation to address critical space sustainability challenges. Participants shared developments and practices of space education and exchanged opinions for future development through the “Space Education for All: Everyone from Primary to Higher Education Sessions” and the “Education Regional Congress”. Furthermore, with more presenters than last year, the “Diversity and Inclusion for Space Education Session” was held and participants recognized the significance and importance of diversity and inclusion.

APRSAF provided a forum for sharing information and experiences that advance space technology development and its application to solving social issues. APRSAF welcomed the diverse participation from across the Asia-Pacific region to discuss improvements to systems engineering (SE), project management (PM), and safety and mission assurance (S&MA) capabilities through the exchange of ideas and sharing of best practice examples. In a period of increasing space activity, cooperation between industry, academia and government players was acknowledged as a key factor in delivering space initiatives that contribute to a sustainable regional space sector for the benefit of society.

APRSAF welcomed presentations and discussions on technical, legal and policy aspects of the long-term sustainability of space activities, through a joint session with public and private sectors. This session supported information-sharing and mutual learning on the implementation of the “Guidelines for Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities” of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS). APRSAF looks forward to continued regional discussions across sectors, which will contribute to improving regional space technology and policy and law capabilities for sustainable space utilization, which is a global issue.

APRSAF confirmed that the third phase of the National Space Legislation Initiative (NSLI) was launched at APRSAF-29 (2023), addressing topics relevant to COPUOS, as well as topics of common interest to the region: space economy promotion, space resources, and signatory status to the Artemis Accords. The Committee also confirmed that steady progress is being made on the preparation of a report to be jointly submitted to COPUOS. APRSAF also recognized the contribution of these space policy and law community activities under APRSAF to enhancing the region's ability to draft and implement national space legislation and/or policies on common issues, in accordance with international norms. APRSAF also welcomed discussions on regulating emerging technologies and space activities; as well as opportunities for coordination and governance, in the context of sustainability of lunar activities.

iv. Encouraging participation by new industry players and advancing diverse linkages across the region,

APRSAF shared regional industry challenges including the sustainable and responsible use of space; as well as discussing the state of the space industry and the future growth potential of the regional space economy. APRSAF expects to provide a continuous plat form for engagement between the public and private sectors. In doing so, it encourages private sector-led space activities to expand, contributing to the advancement of the space economy in the region.

The 31st Annual Meeting (APRSAF-31) will be held on November 18-21, 2025 in Cebu, Philippines. The 32nd annual meeting (APRSAF-32) will be held in Thailand in 2026.
